If you are having trouble staying focused on what is important, here are 10 things to work on to better your chances at reaching your goals and dreams.
- Don't procrastinate and stay organized. You would be shocked at how much more you can achieve when you use your time wisely and everything is where it should be.
- Wake up early. When you wake up earlier than everyone else it gives you a chance to get ahead. Everyone is still sleeping and you get a jump start to your day.
- Stop talking about it and do it. I hear people wasting so much time talking about their goals but never taking any real action to get there.
- Be persistent. You can't defeat the person who never gives up. Don't let anything stop you.
- Make technology work for you. Find productivity apps like Wunderlist on your phone to help you manage daily tasks. Prioritize and make sure that you are always being productive.
- Be resourceful, Google is your friend. If you hit a roadblock and you aren't sure how to keep going, 99% of the time google has the information you need to continue. Sometimes you just have look long enough to find it.
- Go to bed before 1 am. I have learned that if I go to bed before 1 am that I naturally wake up before 8 am. Waking up naturally means that you are well rested and ready to start the day. No more cranky mornings...
- Find what works and stick with it. Get on a good daily routine and stick to it. Hold yourself accountable to your goals and push yourself to achieve them.
- A body in motion stays in motion. Having a daily routine and getting enough exercise is very healthy for the mind and body. It gives us a comforting feeling knowing that each day will be productive rather than wasted away.
- Put away the distractions. There are distractions everywhere we go. Learn to say no and make time for yourself and your priorities or the possibility of ever achieving your goals will get left behind.
Don't let the fear of failing stop you from achieving your dreams. If you can think of any crucial tips I missed please leave a comment for everyone to hear.
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